„The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." - Based on this ancient principle we offer our customers expert know-how and an extensive network from A-Z. 

Our business activities include a REAL ESTATE EVALUATION, an extensive market analysis and actual state analysis as well as the clarification of legal issues and the obtainment of all required documents. Furthermore, we offer professional and individual marketing throughout the entire process followed by efficient AFTER SALES support.

In close collaboration with COOPERATION PARTNERS, we also provide the possibility of putting the respective real estate in the spotlight using attractive physical or virtual HOME STAGING. This approach makes the property accessible to more viewers and reaches a wider target audience.

Sine finishing touches need to be put on the property? Not a problem at all! I would be pleased to prepare a plan together with my renovation team outlining the details for a professional refurbishment. 

For qualified assistance with legale and tax-related issues in Austria or abroad, I would gladly establish contact to a lawyer or tax consultant with long-lasting experience regarding real estate transactions. 

Moreover, I can connect you with an excellent financing expert with over 20 years of experience in the field, who has brought success where others have failed. Thanks to his extensive and long-term consultations many of my clients have found their dream home.