After my studies of philosophy and tourism economy in Vienna, I was working in product management for a large tour operator for many years.

Thanks to a lucky coincidence, an extraordinary opportunity to change over to the real estate industry presented itself in the year 2016. As I decided to take this chance, a new and incredibly exciting world opened up to me. In this versatile environment it is truly a pleasure to work with the right people and partners within a personal network.

MIMAZ IMMOBILIEN – for your living comfort!

MIMAZ is YOUR reliable real estate partner and stands for transparency and fast communication as well as for integrity and trustworthiness.

As a one-woman business, I attach great importance to individual customer care and personal consultation. Each real estate and each transaction is of special value and receives the best possible support and attention!


Michaela gründete MIMAZ Immobilen im Jahr 2021, nachdem sie zuvor schon einige Jahre in der Immobilienbranche als Beraterin erfolgreich tätig war. Ursprünglich begann sie nach den Studien der Philosophie und Tourismuswirtschaft ihre berufliche Karriere im Hoteleinkauf & Produktmanagement bei einem internationalen Reiseveranstalter.


Janine bereichert seit August 2024 das MIMAZ Team als Assistentin und Immobilienberaterin. Als Architekturstudentin bringt die gebürtige Vorarlbergerin hierfür die besten Voraussetzungen und einschlägiges Know-how mit.


Maria begleitet MIMAZ im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes von der ersten Sekunde an. Die gute Seele, Tippgeberin, Korrektur-Leserin und helping hand ist im Hintergrund eine große Unterstützung und nicht mehr weg zu denken. Auch hat sie sich bereits einen Namen als "MAMA-RAZZI" gemacht ;)


Eliza ist als vierbeinige Assistentin nicht mehr weg zu denken und hat sich schon zum absoluten Immohund entwickelt. Gerne erforscht sie mit ihrer Spürnase alle Ecken & Winkeln bei Besichtigungen, ebenso viel Spass bereitet ihr auch das Posieren für Fotos und absolut perfekt ist sie als Video-crasher ;)!

The MIMAZ business philosophy is based on four central pillars:

Individual CONSULTATION – mutual TRUST – personal SUPPORT – reliability & EXPERTISE

By providing this high-quality service in combination with efficient communication and fast processing, I have been able to win over many customers by realising their dream home and have successfully assisted them with property marketing (sale/rental) to their full satisfaction

Numerous recommendations by my thankful clients speak for themselves. 

Brand New Properties


Real Estate Valuation

The first step to a successful real estate sale is an extensive valuation based on a market analysis, offer analysis and actual state analysis (actual purchase prices paid for latest transactions). Thanks to mutual conversations with our clients and a detailed real estate valuation system, we estimate the value of you property in consideration of the current market situation.

I am pleased to take sufficient time to carry out a neutral and reliable real estate valuation for your property.

Real Estate Marketing

You can count on my expert consultation and professional marketing when it comes to selling or renting your property! Each property deserves a specific individual marketing approach and the right mix of ideas for placing the advert!

As soon as your oder is placed, you can lean back and relax. I will take care of the rest! From professional photographs, virtual tours and drone recordings to social media advertising, offline marketing, and virtual staging...

Real Estate Consulting

Every good collaboration starts with a personal consultation.

Shall I sell my property, or would it be better to rent it? How high is the current market value of my property? What would be an appropriate rental price? What needs to be considered from a legal and tax perspective? Which building development options and regulations are relevant in the context of re.designation and rezoning? I have inherited a property, what are the next steps? - It would be my pleasure to be by your side throughout the entire process and support you in all relevant decisions! 

Real Estate Agent? Why?

Working with a professional and passionate real estate agent has many advantages. It is the smarter and more time-efficient choice providing you with:

- a personal consultant for all related questions 
- support through every step of the process - from the real estate valuation to the final handover followed by sustainable after sales service
- professional marketing / effective marketing tools
- market insight
- prompt results 

Customers reviews

May I convince you as well?

Ongoing further education is a MUST for me! Regular contact exchange with other real estate agents, the participation in workshops & events as well as effective networking are the cornerstones of a successful company.

High-quality real estate consulting and personal support are not just keywords to me, but they fully reflect my burning passion in this people business. True to the motto "Anyone who can bring out my passion, will have a surprise..."

Are you ready for "first aid" when it comes to real estate consulting? 

Then please feel free to contact me today!

I look forward to hearing from you!

I will be happy to assist you in a personal consultation or with any other related enquiries. 


Michaela Mazakarini


MIMAZ Immobilien
Owner: Mag. Michaela Mazakarini
Address: Leegasse 7/10, 1140 Wien

E-mail: office@mimaz.at
Mobile phone: +43 676 967 39 74

We process your personal data, further information can be found here .

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